Saturday, January 3, 2009

The things I am learning

I am beginning to think about the things in life that are really important. Obviously family tops the list. But second are the friendships I have. I am learning a lot about the definition of that word as well. I often catch myself starting stories with "a friend of mine"...but is everyone that I come in contact with, that I see more than once really that? Definitely not. Do the people who I have been friends with from when I was younger still know who I am? Or do they know the person I was in grade school or high school? Are the people who I see everyday at work and occassionally may hang out with at Sundance or In Laws the people that know what my pet peeves are or all my family members' names? Definitely not. Are the people who call to ask if I want to do something but are in no way willing to drive ALL THE WAY TO ANTIOCH truly wanting to hang out with me? Definitely not.
I am stealing one of my true friend's New Year's resolution. I am only surrounding myself with genuine people. I will take the time to tell those who truly care about me how much I care about them...and appreciate them. Sure I will have those people that I will hang out with every once in awhile and those who come in and out of my life as they please. I will not shut people out. But waste my energy and time on people who don't put forth effort...who don't really want to know who I am...those who follow the rule of "out of sight, out of mind"...they don't get to affect me and make me feel like I am not worth it. I used to think it was important to have as many friends as possible. The more, the better. But I am beginning to realize that is not true. If you have too many, you never get to really know them...and they never really get to know you.
So thank you Mike, Mom, Stacy, Kelly, Allison (and all of my family), Kristin, Amy, and Jen for being those people who dig deep to know me. To get me. To know my petpeeves. To know what makes me happy, sad, or laugh. Thank you for making me feel worth it.


MomFagan said...

There's a saying I've seen but cannot quote it accurately, but it talks about people coming into your life for a short time or for a long while, and the value of both.

I have seen that over the years, friends come and go. It wasn't until much later that I realized the friendship of my family is the one that're never really alone when you know that.

Stacy said...

I feel as if certain people come into your life at a certain time for a purpose. As you get older, you treasure those that truly know and support you and you tend to lose the connections to those that you knew long ago. I used to struggle with this and wanting to maintain these friendships with those I knew from "back then". But you can only make so much of an effort. Your paths change and because of that, you find that you want to surround yourself with those genuine people. I count my family and my small group of friends as those that I know will be there for me whenever I need them.